Friday, December 9, 2011


By way of a Spiritual Bridge to the Unseen
the Son of Heaven ascends
He in whom the heavenly and earthly world meet in Divine Contact
dissolves duality
On the Mystical Path, The Path of Conscious Communion with God

By the Presence and Power of the Father within
We are Delivered
So engaged and lifted by the immediacy of the moment are we
that Original Sin, mind-in-matter, is Transcended

     A Son of Heaven am I
     No struggle nor strive to be
     For like my Father I am
     A Son of Heaven am I

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Take a look, Sir
what do you see
think you that i am that mud-man, Adam
Nay, i am not he!

I am a Spiritual Being
unlike the mud-man
whose mind was mired in matter
I am the image of my Father
A true Son of Heaven
Perfect and complete in every way
without limitation, no struggle nor strive to be
content, with an Inner Peace am I


People yearn for the "long-ago days
when God spoke in a clear voice"
Yet,what gives God voice
is our willingness to listen

Silence is not an absence of sound
but is a state of consciousness
which enables us to refrain
from mortal reaction to what is seen or heard
   THE THUNDER OF SILENCE, Joel S. Goldsmith

               Silence is the Way


          The End of Time (as we know it)
          A New Way of Knowing
    full-fill-ment...full in the moment
   immediacy of the moment...urgency of the moment
             The Pregnant Moment
                    The Now!

          No other way of knowing
             but in the moment

Thursday, December 1, 2011


one side of my face
warmed by the overhead sun
the other
cooled by a gentle breeze
what pleasures, whose gifts are these

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The Forces of Light find expression
in my body
Darkness recedes inch by inch
Trust is established gradually

Out of the rapport between Light and Dark
A New Existence is forged
'tis not a war that is waged
but Peace, Brotherhood
Past Obstructions yield to New Alliances
Pain is Transfigured into Bliss
Rejuvenation warrants a New Point of Departure
Proceeding only as far as a New Path is shown--
Spiritual Principles become Operative Steps
gaining Influenze on Earth
New Ground is gained only by Patient Application of Inner Strength
Inner Power produces Influenze over outer events

Step-by-Step is Power developed
By the Iron Will of Resolve transfigured
Into the Steel of Rejuvenation


By way of one eye
and one eye only
does one pass thru the Doorway
of Inner Truth
By focus and concentration
are we brought to the Doorway
but only by Surrender and Yielding
may one go thru it

In one eye only
lies the Doorway to the Inner Self
to proceed further requires Power
and Patience is the Footstool of Power
with Patience we become aware of the necessity of Remorse
and then, Remorse is only a beginning
it must be followed by a rigorous Rooting out of Decay
Rejuvenation is begun
but it is only with Iron Will that one emerges with Purity and Innocence

Monday, November 28, 2011


beyond reason
with a shy innocence
her eyes mirror the eternal fire
dance to an inaudible song
for a moment, but a moment
soft with love


Your eyes, soft with love
with Innocence
the Promise of Childhood
timidly ventures out
a glimpse, a glimmer
the Soul's shy smile
Nurtured by a gentle hand
sparkles and shines
A Light, a Life reborn


In your eyes
I gaze at the Eternal
beyond reason and common sense
I see the Soul rising from the depths
I see a yearning, a longing, for what we both have known and shared:

             such Holiness must be tenderly treated
             for it shuns the light of day
            of reason's cold, hard ways


On the trail, the trickle of life blood
its scent i follow
by the blood of the Beast
I am nourished
that i must kill to live
follows the principle:  Life demands Death
and Death summons the Living

At best, the death of the Beast
is but a Sacrifice
a Debt that Life owes Death

But beyond metaphysical niceties
Death is a Cruel Master
Death holds no hidden boon
no Transfigured Self

Death is a dead-end
In Life only, lies Eternity
only with Light can the nether regions be traversed

One cannot submit himself to Darkness
in hopes of Life...


I held you with my eyes
as you were in my mind
Nay, even so in my Soul
your image there, penetrating my Inner Being
Releasing a joy, fluid, streaming
The Watershed of all my sweet moments


I saw you at the light today
the love that was once mine
You just stared away
I glanced a time or two
I couldn't help myself
Your Beauty still enchanting

I saw you at the Light today...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Never will i forget our first embrace
the force of your cheek upon mine
the soft, yielding invitation of your mouth
the savage clench of our bodies
yearning to unite

Splendor denied
Splendor remembered


come sweet Jill
come with me
into the forest deep
onto the open meadow
set foot upon the path
let Pan be our guide
runners of the woods
you and i
if just for a day, a moment
out of time...


                                                             My baby has wolf eyes
                                                             she's wild and she's free
                                                             my baby has wolf eyes
                                                          they have a yellow-gold glow
                                                            and they're burning a hole
                                                                           in me


Before my eyes my Beloved
shed her mask
and in a succession of images
her soul-countenance revealed
each more beautiful, startling than the rest
until i could behold no more


nothing moves me
like you do
you make my world
shake and shudder
you are my significant other


How much time is enough
how deep is the love in your eyes
how silently my heart throbs
this joy too great to contain
spills over and over
wetting those around us
drawing them into our circle of joy
how much time...what time
time is irrelevant, of no consequence
in matters of the heart


to have the luxury of time, together
to feel assured that with the passing
of this moment
the next is not threatened
the immediacy of your presence
is so great
I am always shocked
when its time to part

Monday, November 21, 2011


its 3am and three angels are sitting at the foot of my bed
talking, chatting, keeping me company
in the middle of the nite
I'm drawn to the one on the right
tho she's not your typical "Angel"
definitely not "Angelic" looking; but rather dowdy, homely
And I think that is the point:  Beauty is Within

On another level, our own personal search for Beauty
should begin and end Within
On our passage thru this world
we will have many encounters with Beauty
but the Beauty that is tangible, substantial
is the Beauty Within

Hidden Beauty is an experience
that takes place within one's soul
once you discover the Beauty Within
you will never be without it

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


it is said, that "you can never go home" (Thomas Wolf)

But the image of you standing in my doorway
and sitting in a chair opposite me
as we exchanged life histories,
will never diminish in my Awareness

As improbable as it is
for that moment, we revisited the "home" of our friendship
As said, "that moment will never diminish in my Awareness."


upon this
bittersweet sword of my life
I fall
Grant me Release
from this Chaos that would grip me
hold me prisoner in its savage clutches


touched for a moment
by the Divine Spirit within
brief as it was, but Eternal
Unforgettable, forever lasting, a moment Divine
the Eternal Now


Do you think Princesses and Knights
are things of myth only
do you think of Satan only at nite
you know not the reality of the fight

I mount my mighty stead
time after time
and joust with Death
I hold tight my Princess's sacred scarf
as she casts her eyes my way

my armor clinks and clatters
as i settle into the saddle again
then dig my heels into my trusted companion
he snorts and jumps and accelerates with great force
Death, his lance at his side
steps foot into srirrup
for one more bout
knowing his ultimate defeat is what drives me to ride unforgiving enemy
fear of death, fear of life
a semantic reality
between senses and precepts
the illusion of control


Lilith comes, emerging from the forest
fierce and proud
she strides with stealth
cunning yet graceful
clad only in a low slung thong
leather leggings, barefoot and free
the Huntress approaches
men humbled, lower their eyes
unable to engage the gaze
of the Goddess, primeval, unbound
I caught the look
saw it in your eye
tho just a passing glance
your soul betrayed the mask you wear
I saw you...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


How thrilling it must be
to take wing on the rush of air
soaring, diving, gliding unfettered
free as a bird


John the Baptist standing on a street corner
shouting about redemption
Jesus walks up to him and says
"Peace, brother, let it go"

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Touched for a moment
by the Divine Spirit within
brief as it was, but Eternal
Unforgettable, forever lasting, a moment Divine
the Eternal Now


Soul-Making is like playing in the mud
was a mud-man
patty-cake, patty-cake...


The Divine Madness of Love
is an opening into the Eternal
a door that opens out
from human reason to divine mysteries
shaking tranquility


has no direct path
while Spirit's ascension is firm
soul meanders, wanders
a path of many turns
the ultimate marriage of spirit and soul
requires the courage to traverse terra firma


Too eager to know, too eager to act
wanting a literal, immediate solution
to all life's dilemmas
in bottom line fashion, we bypass opportunities
to know ourselves, our motives, our secrets
leaping ahead to final solutions
we bypass soul-making
which requires that we pause
savor the moment
apprehend, perceive the mysteries
beyond the scope of reason

Monday, October 3, 2011


as i awake
the power that rushes up to meet me
swells from deep within
I am overcome by an exalted sense of well-being

by reflection on Inner Being
a whole realm is transformed
and the world comes to order


I know a secret
by which a whole realm can be transformed
Patiently, let go of doubt, fear, anger and distrust
Quietly, accept the Unknown


My life does not consist of that which
I have to look forward to
but of this moment beseeching me
to explore the NOW
pregnant with calling demanding my full attention
imploring unconditional surrender
to the UNKNOWN, This Moment
This Moment, only


i'll be out for a while
in between
this moment and the next
is where you can find me
lets rearrange our senses
and see what comes about
our perceptions are all too common-place
leading to inaction, doubt
its not what you agonize over
that matters
its what you can do in the moment
that counts


Presence in the moment
no past, no future
thought and doing unified
mind in heart, power in presence


true to life, true to heart
letting go of mind's strangle hold on life
to soar like birds in flight
heart and wings beating as one


to divine the future
is no great task
requires only that we retreat
put first things last


give up on strategy
cease trying to predict, control
surrender to the tide
merge with the flow
heavenly guidance surrounds us
all you have to do, is let go


pain purifies makes pristine
holds on high that treasure stumbled upon
in the valley below
polished, perfected with the sharpness of an Eagle's eye


seeing with clarity
requires utmost suffering and despair
the diamond, wrested from the clutches of matter
yields its sparkle, most unwillingly


the end is in the beginning
nothing to fear
eternity, present, here


energy and matter
time and space
stuff made to order for the human mind
as long as the heart
is in the right place


its all about time
how it unravels, how it unwinds
how it conforms
to the order of mind

Monday, September 12, 2011


Rising to a grey day
the surging tide of my power coming up to meet me
unheasantly, I pushed off for my embarkment to foreign shores
upon my arrival I am met by only a solitary light beacon
all else, desolate in disarray

what favors of fate have worked this disaster
was it nuclear holocaust or Nature's revenge
unanswered, lies the remants of the day after
it matters not, for fortune's future
lies with the Light within

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Slow dance to the music
lets be gentle, take our time
gather some rhytm, enjoy the sublime


Moonglow lay soft over her shoulders
i dare not move, nay, even breathe
for fear of disturbing a grace so emminent
a scene so tranquil

Silently, I bid the Princess of the Morning Dawn
God speed
as she sets off for another run

Friday, September 9, 2011


I know why the lone wolf howls
his pain, his loneliness, they are my own
I hunger, but do not hunt
my instincts grown dull and blunt

I know what the lone wolf feels
his cry is my song
memories etched in flesh
shake my body
Haunted by images struggling within
A fight I cannot win

I know why the lone wolf howls


Lone wolf howling
bowels bellowing loneliness
my pain a cry echoing in a dark, empty sky

My dreams, my yearnings
clothed in flesh and blood
She-wolf, wild, untamed, motionless
her stare transfixing deep from within
my mirror image stood before me
dropping to my knees, heart fluttering
head bowed, i submitted

Sweet love that might have been
but because i could not hold her gaze
she vanished
a moment, but for a moment
did we stand outside of time

Thursday, September 8, 2011

...with eyes to see

when I was young and brave
full of deeds
a pretty girl looked up at me with admiration
but, I did not see her until many years later
                                          BLACK ELK

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Is it just for this brief moment only
that our lives intertwine
or is there a thread drawing us together
that transcends space and time
this feels like more than chance
but then, time is so irrelevant
inadequate as per measures of the heart


as lover's must, return to dust
lets take with us
the seeds of a new humanity
sown in fertile soil
of having left nothing un-lived
only thru our raw passion un-leashed
will the power of these seeds be released


I was walkin down the Path, aimlessly
one day
when i bumped into my guru
he stepped out from within
with a how-do-you-do

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The wind roaring thru the trees
could be the incoming tide
lapping at the shore
As such, Nature's repetitive patterns, sometimes interchangeable

Saturday, September 3, 2011


We are made from the depths
from beyond consciousness
more original than we can imagine
We are driven from a place beneath awareness
what drives us has been called an angel...damion

The inner presence that is full of power
the ultimate source of our real creativity
the authentical self
                              Thomas Moore


It takes an awakened heart to identify with others...
when the heart goes numb...we can no longer feel empathy
based on our own emotions...

We may not have the capacity for empathy
because our attention is focused on ourselves
Anxiety about our own welfare may preclude the very imagination of another's distress
                                           Thomas Moore

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The clouds foreshadowing sunrise
appear as mountain ridges on the horizon
the parched yellow grass takes on the look
of a field of summer wheat

the mirages of a summer drought
mystical, numinous in their illusory forms
leading or misleading, the mind
in the deception of the senses

So, Mother Nature ever myriad in her displays
the start of a languishing summer's day

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Heart to heart we communicate
in a tongue unknown
to the waking mind
descend sweet sleep
that I may know my love, again

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Its not up to us
feeble ego-beings that we are
no, its not up to us
our destinies are controlled
determined by stars light years afar
distant, unimaginable in their existence
shooting their rays of love
penetrating our mortal beings
guiding from far above
divine mysteries below

Friday, August 19, 2011


in the woods behind your house
lies a sanctuary, a refuge
there, a dark man lurks
on its edge he emerges

you tread warily but
your scent on the nite air, gives you away
suddenly, you are caught from behind
in the darkness, my hands explore
your warm supple body
you yield, surrender to a lover's embrace
we sink to the warm earth
wet and moist
intertwine in reckless abandon
love's labors peak, exhausted we lay
damp, in each other's arms...

slowly, the moon rises
her soft light cast all about

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am not myself anymore
he that I was
is like a brother, a cousin to me
yea, I know him well
but I'm not myself anymore

there is a distance between us
we hardly speak
seems as if he is a drone
and I...
hatched from a shell

I'm just not myself, anymore

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I'm off to join the Revolution
its all about a Natural State
the State of Innocence
by devotion to the Divine Spirit within
comes a mind, Natural and True
unshadowed by reflection or ulterior designs
devoid of ego or ambition
the Spirit that runs thru all things rules
Creation evolves moment to moment
in accord with the will of Heaven

I'm off to join the Revolution
where Spontaneity and Inner Certainty
walk hand- in- hand, heaven on earth

Friday, August 12, 2011


I saw the look again
caught it in your eye
just a flash, a moment gone bye
but you can't hide what's in your soul
you can't deny that over which
you have no control
when you are loved by someone
deep and true
when your souls connect, merge
its really not up to you
anyway, I love you
beyond all time, beyond all rules
I love you
because I've seen your soul looking out at me
when it gathered itself in your eyes


I love the little girl in the woman
oh, its no doubt
the woman is beguiling, intriguing
but its the little girl
the one who believes in dreams
the little girl
the one who is joyous
whose voice trickles and leaps
like a cascading mountain stream
it will always be the little girl
who embraces life whole-heatedly, magically

Thursday, August 11, 2011


On the Trail of the Sacred following Subtle markers
we travel a path, you and I, laid down
in an Ancient Riverbed

Man once lived in the Subtle Realm (Garden of Eden)
but expelled himself by the act of choosing Ego-Consciousness
(The Tree of Knowledge) over communion with God
Ego-Consciousness is an addiction providing the illusion of control
Only by SURRENDER can Man gain re-entry into the Subtle Realm

Now, once again, our attention is focused on Vibrational Frequencies
by which the Subtle Realm reveals itself
only those with eyes to see know of its existence

As Spiritual Beings, aware of our own Subtle Body
the "physical world will gradually fade away."
                                                        Ram Butler

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Enjoy the moment while it lasts
then let it drift...
drift away into the past
as one moment fades into the mist
an eternity of moments rise and fall
in every end, a New Beginning
like the ocean's tide the Creative sends into motion
moment after moment


Love cannot be destroyed
not once and for all
it keeps on coming back
each moment holds a secret awaiting discovery
like waves of a tide lapping upon the shore
each wave a treasure continually renewing
forever returning...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Time, as we know it
is but a staging point
for destinations we birth ourselves
realms beyond, reserved for the bold
archetypes, patterns yet untold
where imagination defines the way
we penetrate the realm of archetype
and order the Primal Patterns
to our own desires
we become the Pattern Maker
no longer content to be puppets
of Olympian gods
but such a herculean task
must begin in matter, in mud itself
spiritual ideas are fine
but Earthen Realities Rumble


Once your heart gives birth
to love pure and true
once you submit to its ancient wisdom
allowing it to nourish you
tenderly it leads and
your life is forever changed
it may turn you inside-out
challenge your most time-honored beliefs
its heart that brings you blessings
heart that puts a knowing smile upon your face
but for all its Beauty, for all its Truth
no matter how joyous we may feel
its heart we betray

we return to that shallow way
that has no depth, no soul
that shallow way that knows not passion
that shallow way, halting in step
freezes in fear
in trepidation calculates

give it no thought tho
we mortals have not eyes to see
our metaphysics, reason, protects us
instills in us a sense-common
which denies seeing and being
its only Nature's Child, God's holy child
that defies reason
but not
no, not you and me


"Out of the darkness, the chaos of time
The whirlwind gave birth to the Mother sublime...

The dark empty void and the vast barren Earth
With anticipation, awaited the birth...

She birthed once again from her cavernous room,
And brought forth, the Children of the Earth"
      from the Origin Story set in a Sacred Cave
      the Womb of the Earth, THE LAND OF PAINTED CAVES
                                                                   Jean Auel

Monday, August 8, 2011


Things left unspoken, unsaid
if they be of love
cause the universe to skip a beat
erupt, corrupt, so every chance you get
whisper softly, I love you

Sunday, August 7, 2011


There are moments in life
that we wish we had back
to re-live in a different way
to bring more Grace to bear
upon that given moment in time

wuld that we culd
but Fate wuld have it, otherwise
so what knowledge we may have gained
we must apply to the present moment in time
afterall, it's the only liveable moment


Rise above fate
let the wind at your back, emanate
from your own Inner Being
from the fire that is in your heart
wind...waves of heat radiate
creating order on earth
in accord with the will of heaven
fulfilling your deepest dreams


In passing we meet
but only in sweet sorrow
for in our embrace
the seeds of departure

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Moonlight crawls thru my window
and creeps between my sheets
her skin is soft and pale
she casts shadows, spinning
on the ceiling
her touch is as warm water
on a cool nite
the curtains flutter, clouds drift by
till we meet again...


Somewhere in the darken corner
of a lover's heart
lies dormant a divine spark
spontaneously ignited, this a lover's heart
illuminates the world

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The path I walk follows an ancient riverbed
sometimes there are tracks laid down in a distant time
otherwise, the only tracks left behind are mine
destination unknown, unimportant
the path emerges one step at a time
its not wise to look ahead
or behind
one step, one step at a time

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


it rained in austin town last night
i lay with my back hard-pressed
against the doorway of my downtown suite
the finest in sidewalk accomodations
rivulets of water swirled around and under me
my cardboard mat turned to sponge
remembering when rain on a tin roof
was a luxury to sleep by
my eyes shut tight, searching
for the beauty in austin rain tonight

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Our preoccupation with so-called reality sends
deep-soul into hiding
we create a veil, a fabric of illusion that hides soul
"we, ourselves, become rigid, thick...our personalities, flat"
                                                             Thomas Moore

To wake-up "we must follow the lead of deep soul."
An opportunity for Awareness presents itself
WHEN THINGS GO WRONG, don't turn out as we hoped
We immediately work hard to "make things right"
instead, we should allow ourselves to follow the lead,
to be "shocked into awareness by tradegy or failure."
                                                      Thomas Moore

Awaken!  don't plod ahead on the familiar path
that led to our demise
The lesson escapes us if we persist in repeating the same pattern
doing the same thing over and over...

     It may be more important to be AWAKE
     than to be successful.  Thomas Moore

Monday, August 1, 2011


a man who has no compassion
lest he awaken thru arduous personal suffering
'tis his fate to wither on the vine

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I am a Modern Day Johnny Appleseed
onliest difference being
that in my side-satchel I carry not
appleseeds, but sunflower
and most of the territory I cover
is not fertile ground, but concrete and asphalt

Yes sir, I am a modern day Johnny Appleseed


In re-discovering your Original Self
unknown since childhood
one must overcome the influenze of Fate
develop enough Inner Strength and Independence
to overcome the vicissitudes of Fate
in so doing, there is immediate Peace, Contentment
a quiet security of heart

Awakening to the Self within
is usually a matter of the Self
speaking to you
its not as if the Self has been silent
but, more that Fate has blocked communication

The moment of Awakening
is characterized by Receptivity
a willingness to hear
the Self has always been waiting and willing
held captive within the Heart