Tuesday, October 22, 2013


In my mistakes, sorrows, and regrets
of the past
I was but lying down the groundwork
for that which my Heart, now, delivers me

Were it not for thoz mistakes/sorrows
which turn out to be my Path
I would not now be on the verge
of Liberation

So don't look to the past with sorrow
nor the future with hope
But embrace the Here and Now
with all the skill and heart-filled compassion
you have gathered

Live the moment with the Force of a Warrior

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Allow Heart to become the operative center
of your body/mind
allowing it to guide you
trusting your instincts in a different mode
of knowing

Heart will take you places
that in trepidation, mind fears to venture
its subtle powers work like erosion
in dissolving obstacles, obstructions
by its very touch
all the while opening a greater landscape

Land's end is not an end in itself
some far-away place
but Return
Return Home again

From my Heart
comes all the Power I need
Both subtle and strong
waiting only for the movement
by which it is called

"I" am not the actor, the doer
but by Emptiness, the absence of obstacles
Reality rushes in
All I need be is Present
Presence is Action 

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Blessed be The Beloved
She and I both
saturated with the soft rain of Love

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I know a Sacred Place
deep in the Ponderosa Pines
even hugged a tree or two
felt the Presence of the Forest

Not something one can do
in the city
ever hug a building
wherever the place
the people imbue it
with a sense of Presence
that comes from within
a reflection of their Self-Nature

We are Sacred
we, if connected, experience the world as such
Sex in the City
The Sacred in the Profane

Could it be both
are we seeking to transform
the cold, hard world of concrete and steel
into feeling and warmth
Re-make it into our True Image

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Spring cleaning is not far off
broom in tow
time to rid yourself
of all thoz old shoes, ill-fitting jeans
and more importantly dated concepts,
images, patterns, and stock stories

submit yourself to a rigorous re-examination
of not just what but how you perceive
we're not talking about an orderly an efficient closet
Not by a long shot
rather we mean to shake that head up
loosen the cobwebs and start fresh

We want a Dark, Cosmic Womb
primed for fertility and fecundity
not a word-processor

False ideas build walls
separation is the source of sorrow and suffering
realize your status as the one connected with the many
Be not afraid to enter the Void
Drop False Identity Get to the Naked Truth

Joy and Exuberance accompany True Emptiness
No burdensome pressure to maintain identity

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I've had my time in the sun
memories are but fleeting shadows
nothing lingering, nothing undone
nothing to hold onto

The undeniable Here and Now
comes of itself
with an irresistible Presence
No reveling in past glories
no anticipation of imagined futures
Just the Immediacy of the Moment

I forged my identity
with convincing strength
now I must lose it
also convincingly enough

Encountering the Emptiness of the self
is a joyous relief
no burdensome identity to maintain
an experience of inter-connectedness arises
the realization that all things are joined
Each experience and event are contained in all others

In each moment all moments flow in and out
Weave a Tapestry of One in the Many

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Where Stillness and Movement
this is the Central Point
at which I arrived

Movement in Time
but Stillness in Eternity
the Eternal Moment realized
the Sacred in the Profane

The Center is You
The Center is Me

Monday, October 7, 2013


We experience the Outer World
like Humpty Dumpty
Who took a great fall
We try to patch the pieces together
to make ourselves whole

Our Journey thru Life is like a bus ride
someone else is driving, we have no control
things get chaotic, first we lose our shoes
then our luggage is scattered, clothes soiled
strewn across the floor of the bus
our only choice is in our reaction

We put together the pieces
mix-matching, trying to make things whole
whilst all the while
In our Inner Beings we rest in a Heart
that is complete

Sunday, October 6, 2013


In Transcendence
"going to the mountaintop"
the Journey is only halfway complete
the path leads back down again
bringing the "mountaintop" to the "Here and Now"
Enlightenment is only an excuse
thinking all is already perfect
glossing over conflict and difficulty
The feeling of Peace is Illusory

We must give full attention
to the moment at hand
with the powerful energy awakened
exciting experiences begin to arise
as New Energy flows thru our body
releasing blocks of tension
opening New Channels

What is experienced within
applied to that which is without
transforming the culture in which we live
bringing Compassion and Understanding
to the Here and Now


An echo
reverberating, dissolving all barriers
like a lightning bolt it strikes
with Kundalini force
rising as an arrow
true to its mark
destroying its target
opening new pathways


A Shadow Dancer
hidden in the Universe
A Divine Game of Hide and Seek
Revealed only by the Vibratory Field it emits
connecting all elements into a Whole

Found both within and without
An inner resonance
Direct Experience of the Primordial Sound--