Saturday, June 29, 2013


Let the Light of Pure Awareness
and illuminate my mind

to live in the Light
dissolves the shadows
cast by fleeting identifications
of the conscious, ego mind

this moment holds the Forces of
without which, there is no Substance
in action

Truth in Substance
not image

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The sense of I AM
is the manifestation of a
Deeper Cause

We are not what we appear to be
on the surface
to the conscious mind

That subtle, Hidden Presence
is our Deeper Reality
The beingness that lies
in-between moments, in-between words
is our True Source
our True Selves

It is the Un-born
the undying
Eternal Life

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I am the cool concrete porch
of the downtown church
where I spent my first homeless nite
in Austin

I am the fast moving clouds above
that lulled me to sleep
after a day of aimlessly wandering the streets
in Austin

I am the loving and accepting woman
who took in an unknown wanderer
in Austin
the woman who dripped ice-cold water
down my back on a hot summers day
in Austin

I am the consciousness-busting-conscious
about to take flight
in Austin

Friday, June 14, 2013


Remove the blinders
Mind has imposed upon seeing
see with the Heart

See the other
as yourself
enclosed, wrapped with all the experiences
of the self
Loved as the self
known as the self

When I behold you
I am seeing the God in you
(as I see Him in myself)

We are all extensions of the Divine
once we recognize this Oneness
Love can't but help be the result
Love for ourselves, Love for the other
Love as a way of being


Deep  Heart
go in search of it
or rather, open yourself to it
its all around you
Heart is you

You've no more to do
than dislodge Mind
from the place it has usurped
Place it properly
as a tool to serve your Awareness
Not as its Guide

Heart is the Divine Spirit within
placed there by the Creator
to guide you on your Journey
into  Consciousness
Mind only blinds you
traps you, causes you to stumble and fall
Trust in the Unknown
we can never solve a problem
by the terms with which it was created

Get out of the box
of conscious mind
Let your actions be unshadowed
by conscious purpose
for therein is no true nature

Only in Spontaneity
is Truth revealed

Thursday, June 13, 2013


The ego-mind is persistent
Ever Resistant
to Inevitable Return
Return to the Primary Source
of Being

Forever tempting us
with intricate scenarios, images
crafty agendas of how things might be

But the Creator works not from such well-laid plans
but from Spontaneity


The rusted steel rails
are ever fresh
As I cross Shoal Creek
once again

My mind
as it turns over
like the creek below
ever flowing, constantly renewing

Friday, June 7, 2013


is the scope of Divine Vision
so much more is possible
than we humanly imagine

We can only prepare ourselves
to receive bountiful gifts
from above
by increasing the Love in our Hearts

Thru Love all things are possible

Sunday, June 2, 2013


the Russian wildflower
embodying the beauty and majesty of her country
On the outside Nina is simple and pure
Easy to laugh and quick to smile
But on the inside
Nina is as deep as Lake Baikal

She's a bit of a tease, you know
Nina, will always be
The one that got away!