I climbed a mountain
each step of the way
destroying ego, identity
psychic structures of the past
old patterns, forms, conditioned reflexes
By the time I reached the summit
I had completely destroyed Personality
as an empty vessel I then descended
into the dry lake bed below
Primed for receptivity, empty and Innocent
No Structures of Perception
nothing to impede Divine Reception
Wait...abide a while
Lightning came in a flash
and because of its emptiness
my mind was illuminated as never before
Like a refreshing rain
Liquid Light poured over my brain
releasing a heavenly nectar
like a lava flow down my spine
until it reached my awaiting Heart
Then an Alchemical mixture took place
Divine Light & Brain Nectar & Blood of my Heart
combined to create a Transformative Substance
that coarsed thru my veins
Renewing, Recreating each and every cell
Building a New Body of Light
Body of Solid Light
Perfectly formed
a vehicle for Consciousness
a New Man capable of Infinite Creativity
Capable of Creating a New World
each step of the way
destroying ego, identity
psychic structures of the past
old patterns, forms, conditioned reflexes
By the time I reached the summit
I had completely destroyed Personality
as an empty vessel I then descended
into the dry lake bed below
Primed for receptivity, empty and Innocent
No Structures of Perception
nothing to impede Divine Reception
Wait...abide a while
Lightning came in a flash
and because of its emptiness
my mind was illuminated as never before
Like a refreshing rain
Liquid Light poured over my brain
releasing a heavenly nectar
like a lava flow down my spine
until it reached my awaiting Heart
Then an Alchemical mixture took place
Divine Light & Brain Nectar & Blood of my Heart
combined to create a Transformative Substance
that coarsed thru my veins
Renewing, Recreating each and every cell
Building a New Body of Light
Body of Solid Light
Perfectly formed
a vehicle for Consciousness
a New Man capable of Infinite Creativity
Capable of Creating a New World