Thursday, November 29, 2012


I'm quite sure goo d ole Mitt
is enjoying his portion of humble pie
being served up right about now
in the "so close, but so distant" White House

but what difference does it really make
who is the server and who the servee
Why, none whatsoever!

"no matter who runs, the same side always wins"


Today is a rare privilege
to be alive
to walk, to breathe
the cool fall air laden with humidity

sea-creatures we were
crawled upon the land
now we stand
on the Edge of Time, itself

Time enfolds upon itself
affording us a rare view
challenged we are
to hold on, clutch old dogma
or to swing free
allowing what will be to be

such is the rarity of our time
tho many cannot perceive
deaf, dumb and blind
so called "leaders"
revering the known
fearing the unknown

'tis up to us, ourselves
to usher in the new
the practicality of which is in one's thots
so as you perceive, so shall it be

kinda leaves it up to you and me
only thoz who can see
can bring about what is to be

what do you see?

follow neither men of old
or deceivers of today
In your Heart lies a clear road map
of The Way


'tis time to shut off the broadcast/propaganda media without
and Return to  the Stillness Within
Only Stillness can produce True Knowledge
Knowledge capable of yielding Eternal Life

First we must Purify
Hold the metal to the flame
true the arrow, set it straight

The process of Secret Knowledge
takes place behind closed doors (within)
no logical constructs can hold its bounds
The Heart knows no master
certainly not the conscious mind

Go beyond belief, dig deep
to the marrow of  Salvation
Strike your claim upon Knowledge
Light is The Way

The Knowledge of Salvation
is your own personal knowledge
earned by your own resolute inquiry
into Silence

Forget about the Prophets of Old

Jesus came with a New Testament
New Revelations of Truth
He pointed The Way by parables
encouraging you to think on your own
Self Discovery
not dogma, not the shadows of False Prophets

Whatever it is, the Knowledge that frees you
and saves you, must be your own
Earned by your own endeavors into
Divine Laws and Mysteries

So sayeth Jesus, "The Kingdom is within you"


I have wrent pain and destruction
upon my body
in an attempt to bring forth what is within
yea, I have been too coarse in my methods
I am in need of Grace and Gentleness
in my practice
but I will stay the course

If you bring forth what is within you
what you have will save you
If you do not bring it forth
what you do not have will kill you

knowledge is the key to Salvation
                     Gospel of St.Thomas


Monday, November 26, 2012


The World is coming to a dystopia
a divide between elites and miserable masses
maintained by spiraling violence

In Gaza, most live in hunger and fear
while a few sit down to gorge themselves
in protected enclaves of privilege

Gaza is a model for whats to come
Elites are slashing "entitletements"
while we the people shiver and starve

I say this as I eat my turkey-pot pie (T-day)
granted, it could be entirely subjectve

Saturday, November 24, 2012


To revel in exalted well being
to swim in a sea of loving-kindness
is to awaken to the Divine Self within

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Like a river my heart flows
thru the landscape of your soul
dream on Sleeping Princess
my prayers permeate and secure your Being
holding you in established ways
loving kindness awakens the primeval love
in your heart
as you stir in the New Garden of delight

Saturday, November 17, 2012


My experience of the Divine
begins with what I experiene day-to-day
if I am restless, rave and rant
my Soul is empty

But if I still myself
I am open to His endearments