Imagine...the intersecting worlds of Heaven and Earth
Man fading in and out of Angelic and Mortal being
Creation experimenting with just the right "mix"
for an Earthly Paradise--Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth--a poet's illusion or a Hidden Reality
There is no Road Map, but there is a Path
that reveals itself, only, step-by-step
An Ancient Riverbed, hidden
within your own Heart
Accessible only by Deep Yearning
the price is enormous, may involve great suffering and sorrow
but is followed by exhalation, Joy unbounded!
A Homecoming within your own Soul
Man fading in and out of Angelic and Mortal being
Creation experimenting with just the right "mix"
for an Earthly Paradise--Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth--a poet's illusion or a Hidden Reality
There is no Road Map, but there is a Path
that reveals itself, only, step-by-step
An Ancient Riverbed, hidden
within your own Heart
Accessible only by Deep Yearning
the price is enormous, may involve great suffering and sorrow
but is followed by exhalation, Joy unbounded!
A Homecoming within your own Soul